- 西门子CPU控制模块6ES7416-2XN05-0AB0
型号:6ES7 416-2XN05-0AB0 品牌:西门子 加工定制:否 所属类别:模块式可编程逻辑控制器 输出频率:24 应用领域:机器设备;控制系统;楼宇配电;工业自动化控制
西门子S7-200SMART、S7-200CN、S7-300、S7-400、S7-1500、 触摸屏.、变频器.、数控系统、 直流调速装置.、低压软启动器、工控机交换机.、电线电缆、楼宇控制系统、伺服传动系统。
SIMATIC S7-400,CPU 416-2 中央处理单元,带: 5.6 MB 工作内存, (2.8 MB代码,2.8 MB数据), 1个接口 MPI/DP 12 MBIT/S, ,2个接口 PROFIBUS DP
CPU 416-2, MPI, PROFIBUS, 5.6 MB
西门子CPU控制模块6ES7416-2XN05-0AB0——产品特点CPU 416-2, CPU 416-3 and CPU 416-3 PN/DP are powerful SIMATIC S7-400 CPUs.
The integrated PROFIBUS DP interfaces in the CPU 416-2 and CPU 416-3 make it possible to connect directly to the PROFIBUS DP fieldbus as a master or slave.
An additional DP master system can be connected to the CPU 416-3 and CPU 416-3 PN/DP using the IF 964-DP interface module.
The integrated PROFINET interface of the CPU 416-3 PN/DP includes switch functionality when the ERTEC 400-ASIC is used. This forms the basis for providing two externally accessible PROFINET ports. In addition to hierarchical network topologies, this also enables the creation of line structures in the new S7-400 controllers.
西门子CPU控制模块6ES7416-2XN05-0AB0——产品图片 西门子CPU控制模块6ES7416-2XN05-0AB0——产品结构
SIEMENS 上海昊征自动化科技有限公司
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